Side Sliding doors

The advantages of ALPGATE sliding doors are obvious: they can be easily operated automatically or manually, very low maintenance and space-saving in terms of the depth of the room because no pivoting range is required.

Superlative architecture and doors! Here we were allowed to be part of a project by the fantastic architects Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas. For this breathtaking building, we installed two unique sliding door systems with curved glass on a curved facade.

A high level of flexibility and the ability to respond to unusual special requirements have made ALPGAT a reliable and trustworthy partner. Without a doubt, our greatest strength lies in the fact that there are practically no set standards for us. Every door that leaves our production facility in South Tyrol is made to measure and is therefore unique.


If there is enough space on the side, opening areas of up to 40 meters in a two-part design are easily possible. The strengths of our sliding doors are also quickly explained: we construct a frame structure that allows almost limitless possibilities, we can even build sliding gates as a soundproof gate. And are able to calculate and implement favorable options and solutions for agricultural businesses.

There are numerous options for design and different fillings, from sandwich sheet metal panels to wood variants in spruce or larch, smooth sheet or perforated sheet, welded grids or expanded metal grids. As with all ALPGATE doors, there are almost no limits to individuality.



We are building telescope versions more and more frequently. This means that the two door leaves slide one behind the other when they are opened and thus only take up half or less of the space required on the side.


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