Doors for the railway sector

ALPGATE gates can be provided with various recesses – both in the gate leaf and in the gate rails.

Folding doors are ideal for use in railway depots, regardless of whether they are new builds or renovations, as there are no disruptive suspensions to consider. Folding doors require almost no room depth, so that there are clear advantages in terms of planning, especially for trains and trams.

ALPGATE is easily able to integrate suitable cut-outs for contact wires, cable cars or other bushings.


Our construction team plans the door system individually for the installation situation. In this way, all desired executions can be planned in advance without any problems, so that everything runs smoothly during implementation.

We have equipped various railway depots and cable car stations with our gate systems. We would be happy to support you in planning your next project.


Let yourself be inspired..

Further gate systems

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