Our motto at ALPGATE is: Everything imaginable is feasible. Doesn’t work, doesn’t exist.

A couple of examples that we have realised successfully in the past:

  • Telescope sliding gates on two sides, also with uneven distribution
  • Round sliding gates for a glass buildingk
  • Large-sized, high-speed gates, for example for big industrial halls, in order to minimise thermal loss and to save energy through rapid closing
  • Office divisions in all possible variations
  • Solutions for food sector enterprises with challenging requirements

We deliver solutions

Oversizes, special requests, special design requirements, security-relevant specifications, certain opening directions, special seals, material requests – we will turn your requirement profile into a tailor-made door.

6 tons of stainless steel and glass

A door in a class of its own! A sunroof for a museum in Hong Kong. 6 tons of stainless steel and glass. Automatically movable lifting, lowering and sliding technology with just one drive. The exhibits are delivered over the roof by helicopter.

Alpgate Tore - Schiebetor

Mechanical engineering for gate drives

For a high demand on the opening mechanism for particularly large or heavy gates, or narrow installation situations. We have already developed drives for gate systems weighing up to 10 tons.

Tailored to the specific requirements of each project and individual installation situation, we implement customized and innovative solutions.

Temperature-resistant and pressure-resistant gates.

For the terraXcube research center in Bolzano, we had the privilege of developing and supplying highly demanding temperature-resistant and pressure-resistant gates and doors.

•The sealing system was executed as a circumferential inflatable seal with a heated frame body.

•Designed for extreme temperature ranges from -20 °C to +50°C.

•Pressure and suction resistant: vacuum of up to 0.7 bar (70 kPa) applied in 1500 s.

•Heated windows to prevent icing, fogging, and condensation.

Learn more about this interesting project here.

More gate systems

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