Doors for historic buildings

We build gates according to your specifications, so that the overall picture is not significantly changed when it comes to monument protection.

The requirements for monument protection are regulated differently in the individual countries. In Germany, there are even different regulations in the 16 federal states, which are regulated by the responsible state offices for the preservation of monuments. It is always important to note that extensions and conversions, renovations and refurbishments must not change the appearance of a building. Consequently, the historical overall picture must be preserved, which also includes materials, colors and the technology used. It is therefore important to note that an application must be submitted to the monument protection authority before any changes are made to a listed building. The situation is different with monument preservation measures. These may also be made without consent, provided they do not significantly change the overall picture.

monument preserved

We build our gates exactly according to your wishes and specifications, so that the overall picture is not significantly changed when it comes to monument protection.

Opening scheme 2+2, 2+1, 3+0, 1+4, 2+4, 2+0, 4+0, 4+4 – how many elements open in one direction or the other is decided by the Customer.

Adjusted flexibly

Individually filled

Our gate systems can be designed in many different ways. There are hardly any limits to creativity. Fillings or planking with a wide variety of materials can be easily implemented: sandwich sheet metal panels, safety insulating glass (continuous glazing without horizontal bars up to a height of 5 m), expanded metal, corten steel, larch, galvanized perforated sheet metal, aluminum ventilation slats, etc.

Protection of monuments
at the fire brigade Weng..

Other gate systems

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