ALPGATE as an exhibitor at the 112RESCUE fair in Dortmund

From June 5th to June 8th, 2024, we will be represented as exhibitors at the 112RESCUE fair in Dortmund!

From June 5th to June 8th, 2024, we will be represented as exhibitors at the 112RESCUE fair in Dortmund! There, we will showcase the diverse applications of our gates for hospitals, fire departments, or rescue stations… From folding gates to hangar doors for rescue helicopters, we offer tailored solutions: ALPGATE Products.

We have already equipped numerous fire stations with our gates, always individually adapted to the respective installation situation and the desires of customers and architects.

Visit our booth to discuss potential gate solutions for your building with us. We look forward to meeting you there!

For more information, check out our flyer here or visit the fair website: 112RESCUE.

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