ALPGATE Facade Solution for Security Center Weinfelden

ALPGATE produces folding, sliding, and facade doors with slim, delicate profiles. This results in movable facades with exceptional aesthetics, ranging in sizes from 40 x 6 meters or larger.

For the Security Center Weinfelden in Switzerland, we provided a comprehensive solution for facade design. The project included the delivery of eight six-part sliding-folding doors that open efficiently on one side.

The facade was designed on both sides using high-quality ALPGATE gate profiles.

It is noteworthy that both the skylights and the entire lower gate level were executed in a uniform appearance to achieve a homogeneous and aesthetically pleasing look.

ALPGATE produces folding, sliding, and facade doors with slim, delicate profiles. This results in movable facades with exceptional aesthetics, ranging in sizes from 40 x 6 meters or larger.

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