Burglary protection folding door WK4 for customers in Lower Austria

ALPGATE has installed a folding door WK4 for a customer in Lower Austria.

The installed burglary protection door (3000 x 3000mm) has been equipped with reinforced fillings, additional cylinder shoot bolts, and Reed contacts. The special bottom rail and the inlet shoe are made of stainless steel, ensuring not only durability but also maximum functionality. The integration of additional security components, such as special pins in burglary protection design and modified trolleys, underscores ALPGATE’s commitment to ensuring the door’s protection at a high level.

ALPGATE offers folding doors, sliding folding doors, and round track doors that can be realized with minimal effort in burglary resistance class RC2. In addition, RC2 doors offer flexible configuration options, including pedestrian doors, various fillings, and even glass.

ALPGATE’s product range includes a variety of security doors up to resistance class RC6. This highlights ALPGATE’s commitment to providing its customers with high-quality solutions that meet the highest security standards.

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