We have had a successful R+T with engaging trade fair attendees

In total, 1,020 exhibiting companies from 43 countries presented their products at the R+T.

We have experienced a successful R+T 2024 with many interesting trade fair visitors. Many new attendees also got acquainted with the company ALPGATE and inquired about our gate systems. The exhibition statistics are once again excellent. In total, 1,020 exhibiting companies from 43 countries showcased their products at R+T. Over 61,000 visitors from 146 countries came to Stuttgart to witness the latest products and services in the industry firsthand.

It is always a pleasure to welcome so many friends from the gate industry to our exhibition stand. Many thanks, among others, to the companies Jansen, B+N Tortechnik, Wassermann Tore, ITW Tore, BMP-Stricker, EurosonDOOR, and many others for their visit.

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