We are currently assembling folding doors for the Vienna fire brigade

The opening is planned for summer 2022 and we are very excited about the final appearance. An EU-wide architectural competition was announced for the redesign and we are very proud to be part of this project.
We are currently installing beautiful folding doors for the new construction of the “Baumgasse” fire station in Vienna’s 3rd district. In the future, ten vehicles will be stationed there instead of four vehicles. The opening is planned for summer 2022 and we are very excited about the final appearance. An EU-wide architectural competition was announced for the redesign and we are very proud to be part of this project. The fire brigade base in Baumgasse is used by the fire brigade to supply the areas south-east tangent, Erdberg and parts of the Prater. The Viennese professional fire brigade carries out around 35,000 calls per year. Remarkable!
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