Visit from the TFO Bruneck, specializing in Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming two third-year classes from the TFO Bruneck, specializing in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, to our location in Montal.

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming two third-grade classes from TFO Bruneck, specializing in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, to our location in Montal.

Our Managing Director, Leonhard Hochgruber, provided a warm welcome and offered the students a comprehensive insight into our company. Following that, the young learners were introduced to our production facility in three small groups.

During this guided tour, the students gained informative insights at various stations. Each stage lasted about 30 minutes before moving on to the next one. To conclude, there was a small refreshment and a Goody Bag as a little keepsake.

Thank you very much for your visit! We were delighted that you showed such lively interest in our company and operations. Who knows, perhaps someday you’ll be part of our fantastic team.

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